the audities list
i can see how this little book is going to work. each story is going to beget another and another. cool.
anyway. the audities list. liam told me about this email/list serv thing that i might be into. lol. now that i think about all of it, it seems sort of funny. i'm still 'subscribed,' but i currently have 800 + emails in that account that i haven't read and just don't really care to.
it is/was a list.... well, let's let them describe themselves.
"The Audities mailing list is for the discussion of "insanely greatpop". Inspired by the presently dormant music journal Audities, the list is run independently of it or any other magazine, record label,reseller, musical artist/group or other industry entities. Audities is an open list, and anything related to pop, power pop, melodic alternative, country inspired pop or pop-punk is welcome, athoughposters are expected to keep their writings about the music. List operation began September, 1996 and current membership numbers ~600."
so it's a bunch of music geeks sittin' around talking music. arcane references are welcomed, encouraged, often topped. beatles inspired pop is worshipped. beach boys, byrds, badfinger, big star. the big old b's. it's all good there, and one can even find some baseball lovers as well.
there are some curmudgeons and some characters, and all in all it's an interesting sociological study if nothing else. sometimes, it's irritating, mean, backbiting, and rude.
i remember liam saying/intimating that i'd like it. or it'd be up my alley. or maybe he knew that with my effervescent enthusiasm (unbridled mania), i'd be talking up frisbie like a storm. who knows.
however, there was definitely NO malice of forethought (is that the phrase) intended by either liam or me or shawn campbell or anyone else talking the praises of frisbie back in 2000. it merely was what everyone ELSE on the list about and hype and love on their favorite bands... names i can still remember, even though i may have never heard a note*:
myracle brah, the grays, cotton mather, chris von sneidern, etyan mirsky, the andersons, sparklejets uk, bigger lovers, kyle vincent, *******.
well. from my perspective, it seemed that the L.A. contingent just couldn't hack the frislove. perhaps we had been a bit ebullient. but, it seemed to me that it was just good old fashioned "man, this band is rocking my world." and what we got back in return was pure vitriol. the whole back and forths themselves got to be kind of famous. it was like the "frisbie incident."
it's been said that no press is bad, i'm wondering if a couple of people didn't buy "the subversive sounds of love" just to hate on it or to listen to it and dis it.... regardless, people had heard of frisbie. what i DIDN'T want was some sort of frisbie backlash caused at the hands of one excitable girl.
hell, i was no warren zevon, right? i wasn't that important. but, it was to ever live on in the minds and hearts of audities....
*this is not to say i oppose or endorse any of these bands. its' just that i've only actually heard the MUSIC of one or two of them.
anyway. the audities list. liam told me about this email/list serv thing that i might be into. lol. now that i think about all of it, it seems sort of funny. i'm still 'subscribed,' but i currently have 800 + emails in that account that i haven't read and just don't really care to.
it is/was a list.... well, let's let them describe themselves.
"The Audities mailing list is for the discussion of "insanely greatpop". Inspired by the presently dormant music journal Audities, the list is run independently of it or any other magazine, record label,reseller, musical artist/group or other industry entities. Audities is an open list, and anything related to pop, power pop, melodic alternative, country inspired pop or pop-punk is welcome, athoughposters are expected to keep their writings about the music. List operation began September, 1996 and current membership numbers ~600."
so it's a bunch of music geeks sittin' around talking music. arcane references are welcomed, encouraged, often topped. beatles inspired pop is worshipped. beach boys, byrds, badfinger, big star. the big old b's. it's all good there, and one can even find some baseball lovers as well.
there are some curmudgeons and some characters, and all in all it's an interesting sociological study if nothing else. sometimes, it's irritating, mean, backbiting, and rude.
i remember liam saying/intimating that i'd like it. or it'd be up my alley. or maybe he knew that with my effervescent enthusiasm (unbridled mania), i'd be talking up frisbie like a storm. who knows.
however, there was definitely NO malice of forethought (is that the phrase) intended by either liam or me or shawn campbell or anyone else talking the praises of frisbie back in 2000. it merely was what everyone ELSE on the list about and hype and love on their favorite bands... names i can still remember, even though i may have never heard a note*:
myracle brah, the grays, cotton mather, chris von sneidern, etyan mirsky, the andersons, sparklejets uk, bigger lovers, kyle vincent, *******.
well. from my perspective, it seemed that the L.A. contingent just couldn't hack the frislove. perhaps we had been a bit ebullient. but, it seemed to me that it was just good old fashioned "man, this band is rocking my world." and what we got back in return was pure vitriol. the whole back and forths themselves got to be kind of famous. it was like the "frisbie incident."
it's been said that no press is bad, i'm wondering if a couple of people didn't buy "the subversive sounds of love" just to hate on it or to listen to it and dis it.... regardless, people had heard of frisbie. what i DIDN'T want was some sort of frisbie backlash caused at the hands of one excitable girl.
hell, i was no warren zevon, right? i wasn't that important. but, it was to ever live on in the minds and hearts of audities....
*this is not to say i oppose or endorse any of these bands. its' just that i've only actually heard the MUSIC of one or two of them.